Friday, November 8, 2013

My Nemesis & The Reviews

Hi Everyone,

The reviews for Stalking Sapphire's sequel, SILENCING SAPPHIRE have started rolling in!

I'd heard about authors who struggled with the second book in their series and while rewriting Silencing Sapphire, I understood why.

When writing the first book in a series there are no expectations. The only pressure that came with Stalking Sapphire was that I knew the readers would compare me to all other authors out there.

Click here to read REVIEWS of Silencing Sapphire

While working on the second book, I realized--in horror--that I wasn't about to be compared to other authors with Silencing Sapphire, I was about to be compared to someone much, much worse: ME.

I was terrified of disappointing everyone who enjoyed the first book and I felt the second book needed to be equivalent. Or preferably, better than its predecessor. Basically, I had to make sure to tie, or beat, myself.
Since I've never been in competition with myself before, I can honestly say, it freaked me out.

Mia Thompson surpassed my previous enemy--the glazed donut--and took the spot as my new No. 1 nemesis. I spent the following months fighting to one-up her. I'd regularly shake my head at the framed cover of Stalking Sapphire above my desk, wrinkle my nose, and imagine I was listening to Eye of the Tiger.

Though this may sound somewhat, if not, all the way insane, I have a feeling other writers out there know exactly what I'm talking about.

On the book's release day, I was convinced I had lost the battle. I sat down, head in hands, and waited for the bad reviews to pour in.

Surprisingly, and to my relief, I haven't disappoint anyone yet. Silencing Sapphire's reviews and ratings have all been 4 and 5 star so far. This phenomenon is also known as 'Author Heaven'.

The glazed donut has crept back to its well-earned No. 1 Nemesis spot and is sitting safe...for now.

There's always the third book.


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